The Kyabazinga of Busoga, William Wilberforce Kadhumbula Nadiope IV, will walk Inebantu Jovia Mutesi down the isle come November 18, 2023 in what will arguably be one of the biggest events in recent years. Events of this magnitude happen once in a lifetime and the current generation is proud to witness one. It is an event that will be talked about for many years to come.
The wedding of the first of all men is no ordinary wedding and Basoga both in the country and abroad as well as friends of Busoga have come up with reckless abandon to mobilize for the king’s wedding. This being an internet era, WhatsApp groups such as Busoga Public Officers Forum have been formed to champion the King’s cause and through this WhatsApp group alone, over Shs50 million has been collected and a lot more is still being collected. The Busoga Public Officers Forum group brings together public/government officers hailing from Busoga sub-region. There are several other groups that have been formed for the same purpose and a joint dinner scheduled for October 27, has been suggested to help bring together the groups and individuals that are mobilizing for the king’s wedding.
There has never been a cause that has brought Basoga together like the royal wedding. The generosity being exhibited by the kingdom subjects is unprecedented. The millions the subjects are donating towards the royal wedding is a clear indication of the great love the people of Busoga have for their king. Indeed the reaction when one of the local banks declined a request for support from the organizing committee of the royal wedding is a testimony to this unwavering royalty.
A large section of Basoga have condemned in the strongest terms the bank’s decision and many have already threatened to close their accounts in that particular bank. Of course the bank has the right to honour or decline any request but the Basoga have found the latter so much to stomach.
My only plea is that this kind of unity and solidarity continues even after the royal wedding. For instance having a platform that unites all public servants in Busoga has been long overdue. Let this platform and several platforms that have been formed not end with the royal wedding.
Even the solidarity that the royal wedding has created should continue to help galvanize the region andincrease its bargaining power. If the royal wedding is what we have been waiting for to end disunity in Busoga, so let it be. Remember as the saying goes; divided we fall and united we stand. Abasoga Nseete; okwisanya na’amani.