The Kyabazinga of Busoga HRH William Wilberforce Nadiope Gabula IV on Saturday, June 8, 2024, hosted a delegation of leaders from the Bulamogi chiefdom that paid a courtesy visit to the Igenge palace for what they termed reconciliation engagement. The delegation comprised traditional, religious, and political leaders from Obwa Zibondo Bwa Bulamogi.”
The delegation was led by the chief of princes (Isabalangira) of Bulamogi chiefdom James Naita and Elijjah Kagoda Dhikusooka, the chairperson LC5Kaliro district, a basement of Bulamogi. Neita, together with clan heads and other opinion leaders, informed Kyabazinga that “Bulamogi is back home.”
Led by Prince Colombus Wambuzi Zibondo, the son of the late HRH Henry Waako Mulooki, the predecessor of King Gabula, Bulamogi has since been rebellious to the leadership of the current Kyabazinga. The misunderstandings erupted when Prince Zibondo claimed to be the rightful king to replace his father.
Neita said they have observed and achieved nothing during the long period of almost ten years when Bulamogi chiefdom created a distance from Obwa Kyabazinga Bwa Busoga (OBB). He stated that it is now high time King Nadiope effectively welcomed his subjects from Kaliro district.
“We have taken quite a long time with these misunderstandings, but we have studied that it is meaningless. Bulamogi is an integral component of Busoga. Busoga can’t be Busoga without any of these chiefdoms. We said that why can’t we open our eyes, and we realised that we were on the wrong side. We have, therefore, been in love with Gabula until we have officially come to the Palace,” Prince Neita stated.
He stated they visited the Palace to show the world that Busoga must move without any differences. He added that their coming was not only aimed at reconciling but also cementing the reconciliation with the whole of Busoga Kingdom.
“Many Bulamogi have been coming to different functions at the Kingdom here, and many have been captured by cameras. No problems have emerged for them to attend those events. We have therefore come today to openly show that we are together with the Kyabazinga and we shall continue working with him, whether what or what unless they cut off my head, I assure the public that we together,” he vigorously spoke.
“We have taken quite a long time with these misunderstandings, but we have studied that it is meaningless. Bulamogi is an integral component of Busoga. Busoga can’t be Busoga without any of these chiefdoms. We said that why can’t we open our eyes, and we realised that we were on the wrong side. We have, therefore, been in love with Gabula until we have officially come to the Palace,” Prince Neita stated.
He stated they visited the Palace to show the world that Busoga must move without any differences. He added that their coming was not only aimed at reconciling but also cementing the reconciliation with the whole of Busoga Kingdom.
“Many Bulamogi have been coming to different functions at the Kingdom here, and many have been captured by cameras. No problems have emerged for them to attend those events. We have therefore come today to openly show that we are together with the Kyabazinga and we shall continue working with him, whether what or what unless they cut off my head, I assure the public that we together,” he vigorously spoke.
The ageing Neita said the engagement also aimed at cementing the working relationships between the Balamogi and other chiefdoms in Busoga. The Isabalangira of Bulamogi cited the categories of individuals he moved with who included the elders and youngsters whom he said that they have the heart of Busoga.
“It was not a by the way to come here and confess, it was after agreeing. The elderly agreed, the youths agreed, the opinion leaders, political wing, and women and also agreed. We have been congratulating the Kyabazinga on several occasions, a signal that we have no problem with him,” Neita further said.
“We have not come here by force or being forced by anybody but to show the Kyabazinga and assure him that we are together with him. We wanted to appeal to him that now we have come, we want to harmoniously promote sovereignty of the territory,” he emphasised.
Addressing the delegation and other dignitaries, the Kyabazinga expressed pleasure to his Bulamogi subjects, reflecting the words of his predecessor (King Waako Mulooki) whom he said could tell him not abandone his family and people of Bulamogi chiefdom.
“I am happy today, my father and also my brother (Waako Mulooki), who nurtured me could tell me that never abandon my family and the people of Bulamogi. It is a pleasure that today I am here with the family and the people of Bulamogi he used to tell me when he was still a live. I want to thank you for loving Busoga and the significant roles you play to the country,” Kyabazinga said.
His Majesty appealed to the subjects to champion love, harmony, and peace, emphasizing the importance of unity to transform the Busoga community. He said he is ready to work with Bulamogi, and efforts are underway to pay a courtesy visit to his subjects in Bulamogi.
While Elijjah Kagoda Dhikusooka, the Kaliro district boss, said he is not a cultural leader but he respects the Uganda constitution that restored the hereditary cultural institutions country. He expressed happiness that his struggle to bring Bulamogi back home has been a success.
“As a leader, you need to unite the people and lead them to good things. I have been at the forefront of combating these misunderstandings, and I am happy that Bulamogi is now back home to Obwa Kyabazinga Bwa Busoga,” said Kagoda.