In a heart-wrenching incident in Musisi village, Butamira ward, Buyengo town council, Jinja district, a father’s harsh punishment of his own daughter over her pregnancy has shocked the community. Kirya Zaidi, known as Ambassador, subjected his daughter Nabbiira to brutal treatment when she refused to reveal the identity of the person responsible for her pregnancy.
The distressing saga began when Kirya noticed that Nabbiira’s health was deteriorating, prompting him to take her to the hospital for a check-up. To their astonishment, it was discovered that the young girl was pregnant. Desperate to know the truth, Kirya repeatedly asked his daughter about the father of the unborn child, but Nabbiira remained silent.
Fueled by anger and frustration, Kirya resorted to violence, taking a sharp panga and threatening his own daughter. Despite the intimidation, Nabbiira bravely stood her ground, refusing to divulge the truth. The situation took a horrifying turn when Kirya attempted to harm her physically, leaving her in excruciating pain.
Witnesses at the scene, like Kiyuba Samuel, were appalled by Kirya’s lack of empathy towards his own flesh and blood. Kiyuba intervened, fighting to rescue Nabbiira from her father’s wrath. Eventually, the local authorities were informed, and Nabbiira was taken to the Buyengo police post to make her statement.
As the investigation unfolds, Kirya Zaidi faces serious charges, including attempted murder, for his violent actions. He explained his actions by stating that he wanted his other daughters to learn from Nabbiira’s situation, emphasizing the importance of education and not wasting resources.
Nabbiira, an 18-year-old senior four student at Exodus secondary school, faces additional challenges as she struggles to register for the upcoming UNEB exams due to financial constraints. Despite her hardships, she courageously revealed the identity of the father, pointing to Bruno, a neighbor and the grandson of Owori Simon at Namata Zone in Butamira, as the responsible party.
The village chairman, Mr. Samson Isanga, stressed the need for parents to approach such delicate matters with empathy and understanding. He urged parents not to resort to violence but to continue supporting and caring for their children while waiting for further information respectfully.
The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of open communication within families and communities. It highlights the pressing need for education and awareness surrounding reproductive health and teen pregnancies.