In anticipation of the upcoming royal wedding, the youth of Busoga, united under the banner of the “Busoga Kingdom Youth Council (BKYC),” have taken the initiative to spruce up the King’s Igenge palace in Bugembe, Jinja City. BKYC serves as a unifying platform for young people from all the chiefdoms in Busoga, promoting cultural significance and contributing to transformative efforts.
This group of young and motivated individuals gathered at the palace on a recent Sunday to partake in a series of activities aimed at enhancing the palace’s overall well-being as the Kyabazinga, HRH William Wilberforce Nadiope Gabula IV, approaches the official welcoming of the Queen. The grand event, aptly named “Embaga Ya Mwenemu,” is scheduled for November 18, 2023.
One of the recent projects BKYC launched was a ‘green initiative,’ focusing on enhancing the palace compound’s aesthetics. They planted paspalum, flowers, and trees, all designed to create an attractive and pleasing environment befitting the King and the royal household. Moreover, the youth have committed themselves to partaking in a comprehensive cleaning of the palace, further displaying their unwavering support for their King, Nadiope.
Hussein Salim Magumba, Chairperson of BKYC, explained that the Council’s role is pivotal in ensuring the palace’s order and general cleanliness. He stressed that their actions carry significance, as they aim to ensure that the Inhebantu, upon her arrival, will be welcomed into a clean and well-organized royal abode.
“As the sons of the Kyabazinga, we, the youth, have a responsibility to ensure the palace is in impeccable condition. We desire for our Queen, Jovia Mutesi, to find a palace that is well-organized and pristine,” noted Magumba.
Muzamiru Lubanga, BKYC’s Secretary for the Environment, emphasized the importance of sanitation and invited other youth to join their peers in similar activities related to “Obwa Kyabazinga Bwa Busoga.” He underlined the palace’s transformation, stating that it now shines and stands ready to welcome the Inhebantu, who will nurture her children of Busoga within its walls.
The cleaning efforts led by BKYC epitomize the spirit of unity, respect for tradition, and the readiness of the youth to play their part in upholding the legacy and dignity of the Busoga Kingdom, setting a harmonious stage for the upcoming royal wedding.