In Luuka District, justice is prevailing as security officials led by RDC Katende Ronald and his Deputy RDC Waiswa Paul Bwenibwamwiko have apprehended a teacher involved in a fraudulent job scheme. Namitego John, a primary teacher in Mayuge district, stands accused of preying on job applicants in Luuka district.
The scheme unfolded after the Luuka district service commission advertised job vacancies, prompting eager applicants to submit their credentials. Exploiting his position, Namitego colluded with an office attendant named Mathias to obtain sensitive applicant details. Armed with this information, Namitego embarked on a deceitful spree, targeting individuals like Hassan Waiswa, a teacher from Bulopa in Kamuli district, promising them lucrative government teaching positions in exchange for exorbitant sums.
Swift action ensued as RDC Katende Ronald, upon receiving reports, mobilized his team and local law enforcement to apprehend Namitego and his accomplice. Investigations revealed a web of corruption within the district service commission, implicating Mathias as well. Both perpetrators now face the consequences of their actions, detained at Luuka Central Police Station pending further legal proceedings.
Addressing the community, RDC Katende Ronald emphasized the gravity of the situation, urging vigilance against fraudulent schemes. He underscored the importance of transparency in job recruitment processes, condemning any form of bribery or extortion. The Deputy IGG echoed these sentiments, affirming the district service commission’s mandate to uphold fair employment practices.