Amidst the festivities of Tabingwa Day in Luuka chiefdom, Busoga Kingdom, a strong call for collective development echoed throughout the celebrations. The occasion marked the launch of the Luuka parliament (Lukiiko), the swearing-in of a new cabinet, and the inauguration of youth and elderly councils, all aimed at fostering unity and progress.
HRH Willington Nabwana Inyhensiko IV, the chiefdom head (Tabingwa), emphasized the importance of nurturing children to contribute positively to the community and discouraged reliance on the government for every need. He urged parents to take responsibility for their children’s actions and security, emphasizing that security begins at home.
Tabingwa encouraged the people of Luuka to continue farming, especially the cultivation of fruits, which have a significant market in the region. He stressed the importance of financial independence for every home, suggesting that even the least privileged households should save 10,000 shillings daily.
The newly launched Luuka parliament will be led by Dr. Balondemu David as the speaker, while the cabinet will operate under the leadership of Mr. Lwigo Daudi Igulu Isabirye as the chiefdom premier. Other key members of the cabinet include Al-hajj Prof Dr Muhamadi Lubega Kisambira (senior advisor to Tabingwa on education), Mr. Isabirye Paul (minister for agriculture), Mr. Wagubi Patrick (minister for Tabingwa affairs), Mr. Kipaalu George (finance minister), and Mr. Nagaya Meddy (minister for youths and sports), among others.
The formation of the chiefdom’s constitution, which culminated in the inauguration of these councils, was a significant achievement. Tabingwa expressed gratitude to those who contributed to its establishment.
Dr. Balondemu and the newly sworn-in cabinet and councils pledged to work tirelessly to combat poverty and promote unity within the chiefdom. Dr. Balondemu called for action over words, urging the community to support individuals with academic qualifications in securing jobs by speaking in unison.
Prof Dr. Lubega, who serves as the senior advisor to Tabingwa on education affairs, challenged the people of Luuka to take accountability for their chiefdom, sharing his own efforts in supporting nursing students from the district. He also encouraged individuals to contribute in their own capacity to improve the community.
In his address, Mr. Wakaze Simon, the chairperson of Luuka district and the chairperson of the Consortium for Development in Busoga, commended the Tabingwa celebrations for fostering unity and collective efforts. He assured the Tabingwa leadership of the district’s readiness to support development initiatives.
The Tabingwa Day celebrations attracted a diverse group of attendees, including incoming Indian investors in Luuka district, three members of parliament representing the district, cultural, political, and religious leaders, and clan heads from Luuka chiefdom, among others. The event, held under the theme of “Fighting Poverty in the Chiefdom,” demonstrated a collective commitment to progress and unity in Luuka.