Kiira police region on Saturday May 12, 2024 successfully conducted the recruitment interviews for the Police Probation Constables (PPCs). The momentous exercise was organized at the Agriculture Show Grounds in Jinja city.
Out of the successful 47 shortlisted applicants from Jinja city and the greater Jinja district, only forty two individuals managed to turn up for the exercise. One male candidate was disqualified on academic grounds, while one female was discontinued from the process on medical grounds.
The candidates that turned up on record for the interviews are twenty-three females and nineteen males. Forty successfully underwent all the stages, including physical fitness tests, oral and written tests, and medical examination.
The exercise was led by the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Christopher Barugahare, who discouraged applicants from practicing corruption amidst the process as a tool of consideration.
ACP Barugahare cautioned the candidates against dubious characters that will solicit money in the name of helping applicants to succeed right from the initial stage up to the final stage of the recruitment process.
He stressed the importance of having self-discipline in whatever while in uniform as they embark on their core roles of keeping law and order in communities.
“Regardless of the results from the recruitment exercise, there will always be so many opportunities in the Uganda police force. You only need to be prepared because the opportunities always benefit those who are well prepared,” said Barugahare.
In attendance and participation were the Kiira Regional Police Commander (RPC) SSP Rogers Sseguya, Deputy RPC; SSP David Katunda, Regional Human Resource Officer, SSP Andrew Muzira. Other included the DPC Jinja Cantral division, SP Innocent Mubangizi, DPC Buwenge Division, SP Oyee Morris, crime intelligence officers among other senior officers.Cantral division, SP Innocent Mubangizi, DPC Buwenge Division, SP Oyee Morris, crime intelligence officers among other senior officers.