In a devastating turn of events, the home of Kevin Kwagala in Jinja City has become the center of a police investigation following the brutal murders of the 41-year-old woman and her 12-year-old granddaughter. The gruesome discovery was made on Thursday when their lifeless bodies were found in Kwagala’s residence, located along Bidco road in Walukuba Masese Division.
Residents, stunned by the tragic incident, alerted the police after finding the victims lying in a pool of blood within the house. The young girl, identified as Kevin Kwagala Jr., had been living with her grandmother prior to the horrific incident.
According to reports from law enforcement, the discovery was made by the deceased’s son, who had gone to check on his family that morning. Despite his attempts to make contact by knocking on the door, there was no response from inside the house. Fearing the worst, he made the harrowing decision to force entry by breaking down the door, only to be met with the grisly sight of his mother and niece lying lifeless.
SP James Mubi, spokesperson of Kiira regional police in Jinja, revealed that the scene of the crime has been cordoned off to preserve evidence and prevent contamination. As investigations unfold, authorities are meticulously examining the area for any potential clues or leads that may shed light on the identity of the perpetrators.
“At this stage, no arrests have been made, but our focus is on conducting thorough investigations to unravel the circumstances surrounding this heinous crime,” stated Mubi.