Luuka: The Parish Development Model (PDM) program is under scrutiny in Luuka District as authorities work to address delays in fund disbursement and confront challenges within the system. Jovelin Kalisa, the PDM Program Coordinator, dedicated an entire day to monitoring the program’s progress in Luuka District and uncovering the reasons behind the delays.
A pivotal meeting was convened at the RDC office, attended by key stakeholders, including the RDC, Deputy RDC Waiswa Paul Bwenibwamwiko, CAO, sub-county chiefs, LC III chairpersons in Luuka, and all parish chiefs. During this meeting, it became evident that parish chiefs were at the center of the problems, citing reasons such as their lack of knowledge about the program’s implementation and allegations of extortion from beneficiaries.
Kalisa issued a stern ultimatum to Luuka District, giving them two weeks to disburse funds to all eligible recipients. She announced her return on October 6th, 2023, with a warning that any parish chief found delaying the funds in their parish would face arrest. Furthermore, she called for the withdrawal of the first and second phases of the program and the immediate release of funds from sacco accounts. Those who received less than one million PDM funds were to have their allocations increased to one million. Additionally, individuals receiving money from other government programs but not in debt were deemed eligible for PDM support.
Richard Mugolo, Luuka District CAO, urged all leaders to set aside politics and selfishness, emphasizing their responsibility to the PDM program.
During the meeting, LC III chairpersons in Luuka criticized RDC Samuel Musiho for imposing stringent conditions on the PDM, which had led to resentment among the people. They requested changes to the program to allow parish chiefs and sacco leaders to operate more effectively.
In response, RDC Samuel Musiho defended his stance, attributing the issues to parish chiefs. He referred to the Bible, citing Romans 13:2-4, suggesting that truth would prevail in due course.
As Luuka District grapples with these challenges, all eyes are on the promised reforms and the upcoming deadline for fund disbursement set by Jovelin Kalisa. The future of the PDM program in Luuka hangs in the balance, awaiting positive changes and a renewed commitment to its success.