In a shocking incident, Job Wafula, a health worker assigned to Lolwe Health III in Namayingo district, was apprehended on Friday morning for allegedly stealing drugs from the government health facility on Lolwe Island. The arrest followed a tip-off from the facility’s local watchman, who raised an alarm about the nurse’s suspicious activities during the early hours.
Wafula was intercepted with a cache of stolen medical supplies, including fifteen malaria testing kits and various drugs used in the treatment of malaria. According to reports, he was transporting these items to his undisclosed local pharmacy. The suspect is currently detained at Kandeege police post under Reference: 08/11/01/2024, facing charges of drug theft from the medical store.
This isn’t the first time Wafula has faced such allegations. Sources indicate that he has been transferred three times between health centers due to previous cases of stealing government drugs. Namayingo Deputy Resident District Commissioner (DRDC), Mr. Trevor Solomon Baleke, emphasized that Wafula must face legal consequences to put an end to this recurring illegal activity.
“Wafula should serve as an example to medical personnel who have made it a norm to steal drugs from government facilities,” expressed Mr. Baleke.
During a Monday meeting of the district malaria task force, Mr. Baleke revealed concerning findings. Abnormal records were discovered, indicating a significant discrepancy between the number of registered malaria cases and the quantity of dispensed doses in Namayingo health centers. He attributed this inconsistency to drug theft, stating that health workers were diverting medications to their private pharmacies and drug shops.
“Some health centers recorded 300 cases of malaria, but the doses used were over 800. This really signifies theft of drugs, which we shall not admit as authorities,” he asserted.
Before being arraigned in court, Mr. Baleke insisted that the suspect must provide explanations to authorities regarding his motives and the audacity of embezzling government items.
“There were allegations that the suspect wanted to bribe our officer in charge of Kandeege police post with a salary of one month, but we cautioned him against releasing the criminal,” added Mr. Baleke.
The incident has sparked outrage and underscores the urgent need for robust measures to curb drug theft within government health facilities.