Amidst the sorrowful aftermath of a devastating loss, Hon. Luke Kyobe Inhensiko, the esteemed Member of Parliament representing Luuka North constituency, has voiced profound concerns over the escalating wave of violence engulfing Luuka district.
The somber occasion of his son’s untimely demise, Madaali Aloysius Ngobi, whose life was cruelly taken and body discarded along the border of Busala and Naigobya B villages on April 14th, 2024, has prompted Hon. Luke Kyobe Inhensiko to address the pressing issue of rampant murders plaguing the community. Speaking at the funeral held at Kasoozi, Namalemba Parish, Bulongo Sub County, in Luuka district, Hon. Kyobe expressed dismay at the distressing trend of unexplained killings that have gripped Luuka district in recent times.
Recalling the tragic fate of Barbra Namulemo, wife of Kitawu Christopher, who was ruthlessly gunned down, only to be followed by the brutal murder of his own son, Madaali Aloysius, Hon. Kyobe underscored the urgent need for district security authorities to intensify efforts in unraveling the underlying causes of these senseless acts. With a heavy heart, he implored the community to remain vigilant amidst the escalating crisis, cautioning against complacency in the face of such perilous times.
In a chilling continuation of the violence, reports emerged on April 17th, 2024, of a brazen robbery targeting the Indian owners of the Mayuge Sugarcane factory, resulting in the loss of over 150 million Ugandan shillings. This unsettling incident unfolded at the Mayuge sugarcane weighing bridge, located in Bukanga Sub County, further exacerbating the atmosphere of fear and insecurity gripping Luuka district.
In light of these distressing events, Alex Mulwanyi, the social services secretary of Luuka, lamented the proliferation of negative behaviors within the community, despite the continuous dissemination of moral teachings. Mulwanyi urged aspiring leaders to exercise restraint amidst the political turmoil, emphasizing the importance of supporting incumbent leaders in their efforts to drive developmental progress in Luuka district. He also criticized the substandard treatment meted out by health workers at Kiyunga Health Center IV, citing instances of poor patient care and professional misconduct.
Pastor Margret Kisitu, representing the Pentecostal church in Kiyunga, echoed Mulwanyi’s concerns, highlighting the deplorable state of the Kiyunga Health Center IV morgue and condemning the unethical behavior of certain health workers. A contentious incident involving exorbitant fees for a postmortem examination further exacerbated tensions, leading to altercations and discontent among grieving family members.
Amidst the grief-stricken atmosphere, Mwase Gideon Ronald, chairman of Luuka Patriots Association (LUPA), issued a poignant call for unity and progress, urging civilians to cultivate relationships that foster collective development. The funeral proceedings, attended by dignitaries including Luuka chief Prince George Inhensiko and Luuka district vice chairman Moses Makamba, witnessed expressions of solidarity and mourning from the community, as they grappled with the tragic loss of their chairman of Busoga Sugarcane Outgrowers Association, the late Ombooko.