In the wake of the recent directives issued by the Kyabazinga of Busoga during his coronation in Iganga Kigulu Namungaalwe on September 13, 2023, it has taken hardly two days for these directives to start having a tangible effect.
Minister of General Duties in the Prime Minister’s Office of the Busoga Kingdom, Owek. Edward Paul Munaaba, has taken the lead in emphasizing and appealing to all stakeholders in Busoga to renew their land permits and leases. Munaaba highlighted the importance of this action in eliminating disputes. “If you go through the right door, you will not be fooled,” he stated.
Munaaba drew a parallel to buying goods, asking, “If you buy bread in a certain supermarket and later realize it is rotten, do you take the complaint to a different supermarket where you didn’t buy it from?” He further explained that the Busoga Kingdom does not sell land but leases it. All powers related to land matters are vested in the Kyabazinga of Busoga. However, he noted that the Kyabazinga is the only individual authorized to grant power of attorney to his prime minister, following legal procedures registered with the Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB).
Munaaba also raised concerns about illegal encroachment on land, particularly around the Kyabazinga palace and other parts of Busoga. He emphasized that people should not take the Kyabazinga’s statements lightly. The Kingdom is not evicting people from the land but is the sole entity authorized to collect busulu (ground rent) from legitimate tenants.
Munaaba urged people in Busoga and around the world to embrace the program, which will be in effect from September 16 to October 17, 2023. During this period, individuals are encouraged to visit his office at Bugembe Kingdom and present their allocation documents, leases, approved building plans, payment slips, and relevant documents related to their plots and land for assessment, verification, renewal, and new leases. He emphasized that after this time frame, there should be no cause for complaints, and those with proper documentation should not leave them behind for approval by the Kingdom office.