Kakira Outgrowers Rural Development Fund (KORD) is an innovative partnership between Kakira Sugar Limited (KSL) and Busoga Sugarcane Growers Association (BSGA) aimed at improving the quality of life of the community within a 50-kilometre radius of Kakira Sugar Limited. Registered in August 2005, KORD is a non-profit Organisation that administers a development fund to which both the outgrowers and KSL contribute based on how many tonnes of cane are supplied to KSL. This money is then channelled to the development of key services in the outgrower areas.
The communities around Kakira face challenges accessing safe and clean water, poor community road networks hindering access to markets, lack of income generating activities, and difficulty accessing credit and basic services such as healthcare and education. Currently operating in 24 sub-counties in five districts of Busoga region – Jinja, Mayuge, Luuka, Iganga and Kamuli – KORD has so far invested in excess of UGX 8 billion in social-economic and infrastructural services. The KORD model of corporate social responsibility is focused on building a long-term sustainable and mutually beneficial relationship with the entire community.
It promotes community development and accountability through the involvement of both KSL and sugarcane farmers, while addressing the needs of local communities in a cost-effective manner in line with government policies, Uganda Vision 2040 and international Sustainable Development Goals. The mission of KORD is to improve the quality of life of the community within the out-growers’ catchment area. KORD activities include but are not limited to:
Rehabilitation of community feeder roads: Annually KORD rehabilitates on average three feeder roads identified by the community through their farmers’ representatives and KSL zonal superintendents. The road network eases access to services like markets for farmers produce, health, education and farmers sugarcane getting to the factory in time.
Access to formal education: Education was identified by the community as one of their priorities, and annually KORD facilitates 200 orphans and vulnerable children to access formal education in form of bursaries. KORD also carries out construction of classroom blocks and science laboratories for secondary schools to improve on the learning environment, grades and uptake of science subjects by students.
Health interventions: KORD has constructed health facilities such as counselling and laboratory blocks, maternity wards, and outpatient facilities. In partnership with local NGOs, KORD also provides free outreach HIV/AIDS, PMTCT and reproductive health services.
Water and sanitation: Limited access to clean and safe water has big implications on the quality of life of the local citizens. KORD installs boreholes and protected springs, along with training community members on how to maintain the springs.
Economic strengthening: KORD has initiated village saving and loan associations for the poor to manage their meagre household cash flows more efficiently and flexibly in groups. In partnership with USAID, KORD facilitates on average 20 children out of school to access skills for life in partner vocational institutions. They are subsequently provided with start-up tools and entrepreneurial skills to fend for themselves.
Nutrition and food security: KORD provides community-based information on nutrition in partnership with Village Health Team members and nutritionists in the sugarcane growing area. This includes cooking demonstrations, extension work services, referrals of malnourished children to suitable service providers, and training on good farming methods. Child protection and legal support. KORD facilitates Child Protection/Safeguarding Committees at village level, who identify cases of abuse and report to the appropriate offices for follow up. More than 1,000 children have received birth certificates used for both litigation and academic purposes.
Psychosocial support and basic care services: With USAID support, KORD provides psychosocial support to orphans, vulnerable children and their families. We also facilitate annual recreation and sports events and have trained more than 80 teachers in partner schools in identifying and responding to psychosocial needs of children.
Internship/volunteering program: We have an internship program for both local and international interns in partnership with Foundation for Sustainable Development. Our projects offer interns hands on skills in community development and a wealth of innovative technologies for solving community problems.
Fuel station project: KORD prioritised a fuel station to address farmer’s sugarcane transport problems. In partnership with Shell/Vivo energy, they supply fuel to the station at a discounted pump price, of which small percentages are remitted to the farmers’ association, to KORD and to the truck owners for each litre of diesel consumed.
Environment: In a bid to protect the environment, KORD financed a waste management project in Kakira Town Council in partnership with the French Embassy. So far, 2,300 trees have been planted in schools and households, and numerous community sensitizations have been carried out on the importance of planting trees and the adoption of the use of renewable energies. To promote use of renewable and energy saving technologies, KORD partnered with AFREPREN/FWD Kenya, GIZ Uganda and Uganda Manufacturers Association to launch improved energy saving institutional and household rocket stoves.
This content is sponsored by Kakira Sugar Limited