The Kamuli police are currently probing the suspected murder of a 24-year-old man, identified as Ntambi John, by unidentified assailants. The tragic incident took place at an undisclosed time in Bunangwe cell, Muwebwa Ward, Northern Division in Kamuli Municipality.
According to ASP Michael Kasadha, the police spokesperson, the local LC1 of Bunangwe cell reported the incident on Monday, February 12, 2024, around 7:00 am. Subsequently, the District CID officer and other detectives visited the crime scene to gather evidence.
During the investigation, a sniff dog was deployed, leading the authorities to the residences of Lubowa Buluhan and Kibogo Bernard, both residents of Bunangwe cell, Muwebwa Ward, Northern Division, Kamuli Municipality.
“The scene of crime was visited by the District CID officer, and other detectives. A sniff dog was introduced at the scene and it led us to the homes of Lubowa Buluhan and Kibogo Bernard all resident of Bunangwe cell Muwebwa Ward Northern division Kamuli Municipality,” stated ASP Kasadha.
Subsequently, items of evidential value were recovered from the scene. The deceased’s body has been transported to the Kamuli General Hospital mortuary for postmortem examination, pending further inquiries.
ASP Kasadha emphasized the police’s commitment to unraveling the circumstances surrounding the alleged murder and bringing the perpetrators to justice. Further updates on the investigation will be provided as they become available.