Jinja: In this inspiring story, we delve into the life of Huha Badru Tito, a resident of Bulugo Parish in Buyengo Town Council, Jinja District. Despite facing physical limitations, Tito has set his sights on becoming a billionaire through his work as a cobbler. His determination and resilience have propelled him from knowing nothing about shoe repair to earning a living and even acquiring a wheelchair through his earnings. This article explores Tito’s journey, his dreams, and the challenges he faces in pursuit of his aspirations.
Tito’s journey began when a friend, Isa Umar, introduced him to the craft of shoe repair. Unable to engage in physically demanding work like his peers, Tito saw an opportunity in learning the trade of mending shoes. Prior to this, he had been involved in cutting and loading sugarcane, which was challenging for him. With little knowledge about shoe repair, Tito was unknowingly put to the test when a village lady brought him a pair of shoes to fix. Although he damaged the shoes initially, Tito’s determination and resilience shone through as he apologized and was forgiven. This incident became a turning point for him, boosting his confidence and providing valuable experience.
For the past four years, Tito has been diligently working as a cobbler, successfully earning a living. His dedication has allowed him to save money, and he has even purchased a wheelchair for himself. Every Saturday, Tito deposits 10,000 shillings into a village savings and credit cooperative (SACCO). He dreams of expanding his business and opening a shoe shop that offers a variety of footwear. Tito, a loving husband and father, aims to provide for his family’s needs, including his four-year-old child’s future education. Despite his physical limitations, Tito tirelessly rides his wheelchair bike to and from the center where he operates, fulfilling orders and collecting deposits on shoe repairs from Monday to Thursday. He reserves Fridays as his day off to prepare for religious observance.
Tito acknowledges that government programs have not been beneficial to him thus far, despite his efforts to follow up on them. He believes that technical leaders have neglected to assist individuals like him, emphasizing the lack of support for local residents. Tito expresses a desire for someone to provide him with start-up capital to boost his business, recognizing the potential for further growth and success.