The former member of parliament for Bulamogi county constituency, Kenneth Lubogo, wants the expenditure of the subvention of shs10 billion provided by the central government to the Kaliro district local government.
Lubogo is concerned and suspicious that the district authorities would have tampered with the money after its intended activities do not match with the shillings.
In his letter to the Kaliro district chairperson and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) through Ambuga and Co. Advocates, Lubogo demands the bill of quantities that was used in the maintenance of all roads where the subvention was applied. He also wants the documents supporting the expenditures of the subvention.
He alleges that out of the said money, only ten percent was utilized, whereas the rest of the percentage was shared by district political actors and technocrats.
“Mr CAO, I have been compelled to write thus letter receiving information that of the UGX10 billion dispatched to Kaliro district, less that 10% was actually properly applied and over 90% of it was shared by some people in the district,” reads the letter in part.
He cited the road from Gadumire to Kisinda, which is about 8.0km, which consumed 225 million, but no gravel activity was done on the road.
Similarly, the concerned politician claimed that 270 mullion was spent on 12km Kyani-Bamanya-Budomero road, yet no compression was applied on the road.
“Mr COA, I have received very scientific advise that for a grader to repair a kilometre of an already existing road the way those were worked, it require between 60 to 80 litres of diesel. Therefore, the road from Gadumire to Kisinda should have cost less than 10 million. Where was the 225 million spent? He questioned.
“In the same vein, by the same computation, the road from Kyani-Bumanya-Budomero should have taken less 10 million. On what was the 270 spent?” he further asked, adding that the same question applies to the other roads.
Quoting Article 17(I) of the constitution and Section 5 and 6 of the Access to Information Act 2005, Lubogo requests prompt information as provided by the law.
In his response, however, Mr Elijjah Kagoda Dhikusooka, the chairperson LC5 for Kaliro district was quoted speaking to the local Busoga one radio (90.6) refuting the allegations. He said Lubogo’s claims are political based, aiming to defame the corporate image of the local leader.
“A full former MP, I expect him to have some sense and move to respective offices to seek information. You need to visit the office of the chairman, CAO, and engineer for relevant information as a person who was once a member of the parliamentary budget committee,” Kagoda was throwing words against Lubogo.
He says there was no allocation of shs270 million to any road as alleged by the former honourable.
Kagoda said the purported claims to false, and he could never waste any time to respond to them, neither giving them attention.