On January 8, 2025, the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), which regulates communication and broadcasting services in Uganda, issued a directive to shut down all village local radios. This decision has left many radio operators without alternative sources of income and in a state of uncertainty.
These local village radios have been vital for operators, providing a platform for businesses to advertise, make announcements, and promote local customers. They play an essential role in the community by keeping residents informed and connected.
The closure of these radios also raises concerns within the communications industry. Village radios have not been subjected to taxes, unlike other media channels such as newspapers, televisions, and commercial radio stations, which pay taxes. This creates a disparity, as the closure of these radios could impact the financial stability of other media outlets that comply with tax regulations.
In an interview with Baswaita Sooka, a village radio operator from Kyanvuma Town Council in Luuka District, he expressed frustration with the government’s decision. He believes the government has failed to consider the important role these radios play in their communities and has shut down their businesses without a clear explanation.
Baswaita Sooka is calling on the government to find alternative ways to support these operators, as they have been left with no means of livelihood.
According to the Director of IGAMBI Agency Limited, located on the 3rd floor of City Plaza on Main Street in Jinja City, megaphones (referred to as “bizindalo”) are illegal and not regulated by UCC. However, some businesses have adopted megaphones as a means to reach their audience, bypassing regulated FM radios. This shift is affecting the business of local radio stations.
The loud noise generated by these megaphones disrupts the surrounding areas, causing people to turn off their radios and televisions to escape the noise. As a result, the message being broadcasted on local radios is no longer heard by the intended audience.