Security officials in Luuka District, led by Deputy RDC Ssembalirwa Hassan and Assistant RDC Umar Ntogona, have intervened in the dispute over the Luzinga Park estate in Irongo Sub-County, Luuka District, after residents accused the estate supervisor, Ongomu, of abusing his powers.
In a meeting held at Butogonya Primary School in Irongo Sub-County, residents, led by Irongo Sub-County Chairman Mateeka Kalimu, accused the supervisor of ordering security guards to beat and detain people in an illegal cell located on the estate, carrying guns in public, and making derogatory remarks about the Basoga tribe, among other issues.
Batwala Shaban, Vice Chairman of Luuka District, has urged the management of Madhvani Company in Kakira to remove Supervisor Ongomu and appoint a new supervisor to restore peace in the village.
Chrysener, the Agriculture Officer of the Madhvani Group of Companies in Kakira, who represented the company in the meeting, along with the manager in charge of security from Industrial Security Services (ISS), requested officials to grant them three weeks to remove the supervisor and his team from the estate.
However, Deputy RDC Ssembalirwa Hassan gave Madhvani officials one week to transfer Supervisor Ongomu and the other staff accused by the community of causing trouble in the area. He also directed all affected residents of the estate to report to Luuka CPS starting on September 2, 2024, to make a statement.